Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Interested in Trying Raw Foods?

I know raw food seems like a strange topic for a cooking blog, but hey, raw-foodies gotta eat too, right?  I like to throw these in now and then, as while I'm not a raw-foodist by any means, I do believe that most people in our society could stand to eat more raw foods from a health standpoint. Raw foods contain enzymes and vitamins that cooked foods often do not - and these are things our bodies need! I Dried fruit and nuts on a platter, traditional...Image via Wikipediathink it's great to try new and healthy ways of eating, so this article mentions ways to incorporate more raw foods into your diet, without going strictly raw, which would be a monumental step for many of us.

Eating raw, even just part of the time, can have great health benefits. Are you interested in trying a raw food diet, but don’t think you can do it all the time? You don’t have to, certainly not to start. Many of us are conditioned to think of food as reward and comfort. We look forward to the end of the day, having dinner with our families, or going out to dinner with friends.

Try eating raw foods throughout the day instead. If you go to work every day, take carrots, apples, grapes or dried fruit with you to munch on. If you usually go out to lunch during the day, try to go places where you can get a salad. If you pack a lunch, include sprouts and fruit with it. If you’re like many people, those fast food lunches make you want to crawl under your desk and take a nap in the Raw vegan lunch. Spicy seaweed wraps with pean...Image via Wikipediaafternoon! They make you sluggish and tired. A lighter lunch of raw foods can keep you energized throughout the day.

The business culture is different these days, and there’s less of a routine than there used to be with a morning “coffee break” and then “lunch hour” and an afternoon “break.” That routine doesn’t work for a lot of people any more, but you can still get hungry during the day. By taking a variety of raw foods with you to work, you can munch periodically during the day. Sometimes it’s better to eat to avoid getting hungry. If we let ourselves go too long until we get ravenous, that’s when it’s easier to make poor food choices. Eating raw foods periodically throughout the day also keeps your metabolism humming along, and keeps your blood sugar at steady levels.
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