Monday, July 6, 2015

Home-Grilled vs. Steakhouse Steaks

One of the reasons many people buy a grill is to do one thing and do it well – grill steak.  But, there are times when you think; “Should we go out for steak or should we just grill a couple here?”

Often when this happens, you're tired and hungry already.  So, the discussion ends with everyone getting into the car, driving to a restaurant, paying outrageous prices for simple food, and maybe enjoying it, and maybe not.  Was it worth it?  Could you have cooked the same meal at home and been happier?  Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each.

Steakhouse Steak

English: Sirloin steak as illustration Spanish...
Grilled sirloin steak with vegetables. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hands down, the best thing about going out to eat is the lack of work it takes before you have food before you. You don't have to figure out what to cook. You don't have to do the prep. You don't have to figure out how to cook it, and most importantly, you don't have to clean up after you are done.

Also, when you go out to eat, you can actually carry on conversations with your friends and family instead of rushing around trying to get everything done. These are nice benefits, indeed.

Of course, while everything is taken care of for you, you will pay for the convenience. It may be easier, but your expenses will probably be at least double what it would cost to get the ingredients and make the exact same meal at home.

An unknown element can also be a detriment to going out to eat.  You don't have control over what kind of day your server or the kitchen staff is having. This could mean long waits, poor service, or even food that isn't quite right. Is the same chef on duty as the last time you had that good steak?  Who knows.

Home-Grilled Steak

Why hope that your steak will come out right when you can take matters into your own hands and create a gourmet meal right at home?  If you long for a tender juicy steak, why not put your own on the grill and have it exactly the way you want, and with less fuss and expense?

English: Grilled steak with Chianti marinade.
Home-grilled steaks. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You don't have to sit in a crowded restaurant trying to shout over the people at the table next to you.  You won't get the wrong meal or have anything missed. Grilling out at home gives you all the control without all of the stress and high prices.

Of course, cooking at home means you are tied up in the kitchen and at the grill getting everything ready.  Sometimes this means you are left alone while your family spends time watching the game or conversing in the other room without you.  Then, after all of your hard work, you also get to clean up  the kitchen. So, yes, sitting down to a steak dinner at a restaurant sounds appealing at this point.  But remember the cost and the value for your money.  Is it worth it to really learn how to properly grill a steak at home to skip the whole restaurant thing?

Is There a Clear Winner?

As far as close calls go, the decision between going out to eat or grilling at home is one of the more difficult decisions to make. They both have their pros and cons.  However, there is nothing that can compare to grilling a steak at home. No restaurant meal can compare with the aroma of grilling your own steak, or the feeling you get when you set that perfectly grilled steak on the table and sit down to eat.  I say, save your dinners out for other dishes.  When it comes to steak, throw it on at home!

 Be sure to check back later this week for a couple of simple and delicious grilled steak recipes.

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