Monday, November 15, 2010

Recipe - Big Charlie's Gumbo

Signature gumbo from Bozo's Seafood Restaurant...Image via Wikipedia
If you're looking for fall comfort food, a big bowl of spicy gumbo is sure to hit the spot! Here is a great recipe I found - it's a little different than others I have tried, as it calls for beef instead of chicken.
However, you can certainly substitute chicken or other meat, and while the list of ingredients is rather long, it's actually a pretty simple dish to prepare. The file powder is optional, and actually I have never used this when I've made gumbo, and it has always turned out great, so if you can't find it or don't have it on hand, don't worry about it.

Enjoy, and feel free to post comments and let us (and others) know how you liked it!

Big Charlie's Gumbo Recipe -
A roux cooked to a deep reddish-brown is what gives gumbo it 's distinctive flavor. This gumbo incorporates andouille sausage, cubes of beef, crab and shrimp in a highly seasoned stew with okra.
Publish Date: 02/15/2009 22:17

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