Monday, December 31, 2012

Start The New Year Off Right - By Eating Well!

Most people make a New Year's resolution this time of year. Most will also break that resolution before the year gets too far underway. In fact, most people who are going to break their resolutions do so within the first week at some point or another! There is hope however if you are planning to eat healthier throughout the New Year. The trick is to immediately begin rather than putting it off until tomorrow or until you have emptied the Christmas goodies from your pantry.

English: An image of my family eating a meal. ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you are among the many people around the world who resolves that this next year is going to be the year that you take positive steps to reducing your weight and improving your overall health the way to begin isn't by loading up on carbohydrates and champagne. So out go the cake and bubbly and in comes the cabbage and corned beef (in small portions of course).

Begin the year by understanding portion size, the value of fresh vegetables, the idea that the meat isn't supposed to take up most of your plate, and the notion that dessert is a rare treat - not the anticipated ending of an ordinary meal.

These are outstanding beginnings. Not only do you need to rethink the way you eat for your New Year's Day festivities but also the way you prepare the foods you love. Unhealthy fat preparation methods using transfats and vegetable oils are out. In is the idea of using seasonings that contain no or very few calories and add savory flavor to your meals. Herbs and seasonings are a healthy cooks best friend because they help eliminate visions of blandness until your fitness goals are met and you've reached a state of maintenance in which a few more calorific luxuries are allowed.

Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe
Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe (Photo credit:
Stop frying. The frying process adds simple carbohydrates and (usually) unhealthy kinds of fat to your cooking - and it can even change the very nature of the foods being fried, adding cancer-causing agents and other chemicals that cause accelerated aging. These are two things you want to try to eliminate from your diet all together. While I am not personally an advocate of removing all carbohydrates from any diet I do believe it is a good idea to switch, whenever possible and tolerable to more complex carbohydrates that are healthier to consume (see earlier blog posts for many tasty low-carb recipes). Fats should always be used in moderation, and stick with healthy minimally processed natural fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and butter - like the Europeans use. If you're trying to cut back on fats, it is best to save their use for those times when it is a real treat rather than wasting them on well, dinner. Reserve the fats for fun food and rewards rather than squandering them on your regular meals.

Another thing you need to learn when cooking for the New Year's holiday and trying to keep things on a more healthy note is that bigger isn't necessarily better. This means that by sticking to the proper portion size you may avoid over eating and filling up. You do not want to leave the table full - you want to leave the table wanting a little bit more (not hungry but definitely not full). Most likely you'll find that you actually feel fuller a few minutes after eating, so if you really have to have more, wait 20 minutes first, and see if you're still feeling hungry enough to eat a bit more. Eating the proper portions reduces the risk of overeating and feeling bloated or stuffed later on. It also helps you understand what your limits are better and where you need to make cuts in your dietary habits, and can help you learn to recognize your body's signs that you are satisfied (they are definitely there, but most of us have tuned them out over the years).

Prepare for smaller meals rather than cooking one huge meal for New Year's Day and carry that eating ethic through the rest of the year with you in order to achieve optimal results. Food is the fuel your body needs to carry out its duties properly. The bad news is that far too many of us really enjoy food to the extent that we overindulge, which also prevents the body from working properly. You will need to work to discover what the optimal amount of food and calories is for your dietary needs but it starts by eating healthy one day and following up the next. New Year's Day is a great day to begin a new way of eating. Are you ready?

Keep an eye on this blog later this week and throughout the year ahead for tasty and healthy recipes and cooking ideas! And be sure to visit our website for some more helpful cooking from scratch resources.
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