Reason #1: It's Not Healthy.
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Protein: This is probably the most obvious one, but there are a number of non-animal-based protein sources. Beans, soy products, and even some greens like kale and parsley are all high in protein. However, note that none of these is a complete protein source - for that, you need animal products, such as whole eggs. Also, I am not a big fan of processed soy products (or any highly processed food, for that matter, which I'll get into in a bit) - I don't think they're particularly healthy, and although there are some cultures one can point out that eat a lot of soy, it's either fresh soy beans (edamame) or fermented foods, which makes digestion easier on the body, and also introduces some helpful bacteria.
Vitamin D: It's hard to find vegetarian forms of this essential vitamin, but of course there's always the sun! Those who are vegetarian or vegan would do well to make sure they spend enough time daily in the sun (without sunscreen, and with minimal clothing) to build up their stores of Vitamin D. Deficiencies in this vitamin have recently been linked to everything from colds and flu, to osteoporosis, to cancer. It may be the most important vitamin there is for the health of your immune system - and a large percentage of the population is very deficient - even among those who eat meat. Avoiding animal products entirely just takes a further toll.
Vitamin B-12: This one is imperative for muscle growth and health, and especially for that all-important muscle - your heart! Sorry - there are currently no known plant-based sources of this vitamin. I'm not sure if there's a synthetic version, but if so, I'm sure it's not as well absorbed or used by the body as the natural form. This is probably the most scary and wide-spread deficiency among vegans.
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Animal fats on the other hand can be easily consumed with a minimum of processing - often simply as part of the whole food that they come from. They often contain important stuff like Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, and Omega-3 fatty acids. And they're natural. The fat in your body isn't canola oil - it's animal fat!! Doesn't it make sense that your body would best assimilate and process the fat that is closest to its own type? (And no, eating animal fat - at least in moderation - doesn't make you fat - contrary to common "wisdom." Dietary fat is mostly burned for fuel - not stored as fat in the body. Excess carbs are what is stored as fat. Just ask any conventional farmer why they feed their animals grain - because it makes them fatter! But that's a topic for another post. :-) )
Bottom Line: If you have to pop a bunch of pills and supplements to make up for essential nutrients that are lacking in your diet, you're eating an unbalanced diet - and that applies whether you're a vegan, a vegetarian, or an omnivore (and yes, many meat-eaters are unhealthy and deficient in a number of things as well, due to not eating enough plant-based foods - I do want to be fair here). But that's a big reason why I don't think a strictly vegan diet is natural or healthy - if you weren't meant to eat animal products, your body wouldn't need nutrients that are only (or mostly) found in those types of food. Period. (More on the "not natural" vein in Reason #3.)
Agree? Disagree? Want to debate the issue? Feel free to comment below!
And if this post makes you mad, wait 'til next week for Part 2/Reason 2: "It's Hypocritical." You'll love it! :-)
Sources & Related Resources:
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Real Food: What to Eat and Why
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats
Former Vegan Reconsiders - Blog Post
Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food
Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life
The Meat Fix: How a Lifetime of Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me!
Ignore the Awkward.: How the Cholesterol Myths Are Kept Alive
The Great Cholesterol Con
I totally agree with you. I work with several vegetarians, and I am always amazed at the amount of crap they eat, like soda and white pasta. Also, please get me nourishing traditions for Christmas.