Monday, June 25, 2012

Corn: The Summer Veggie We All Love

I'm a huge vegetable lover, but few can compete with corn in my affections - it's really one of my favorites and I can't ever have too much of it! I am always so excited for corn season to start - and as it started early this year, I've already been enjoying it for several weeks now. No other vegetable brings up the memory of summer and warm weather fun like corn. An ear of corn buttered and seasoned to your liking is just the right thing to get you in the mood for a picnic. But, there is more to corn than that summer favorite. Let's take a closer look at some of corn's better qualities and characteristics.

Maize diagram
(Photo credit: IITA Image Library)
Corn is the well-recognized product of stalks growing tall in vast fields that reach the horizon.  The layers of broad leaves are the germinating environment for the ears themselves, and as the corn grows inside this cocoon, male and female flowers mature and release pollen as the entire plant matures.

In the United States, corn is the leading field crop by a two-to-one margin.  We know what corn on the cob looks like. But, this summer picnic staple has a bigger audience than that. Corn is used to produce everything from fuel alcohol for a cleaner burning gasoline, to butters, cereals, soft drinks, and snack foods. It is also grown as feed for livestock.


Corn or “maize” has been grown since prehistoric times by some of the earliest civilizations in our world's history. Mayan and Olmec cultures were among the first to cultivate corn in the southern part of Mexico, and the crop began to spread through the Americas by the year 1700 B.C. 

When Europeans began to travel to and settle in the Americas, they traded corn with their mother country, and corn began to be a well-known staple of diets around the world. Today, corn is produced on every continent in the world except Antarctica.

Health Benefits
Although there something to be said for limiting your consumption of corn sugars, corn itself does have a healthy side too. Corn's most significant contributions for our health is as a source of vitamins B1, B5, and C, as well as folate, manganese, phosphorus, and dietary fiber. Folate helps reduce the risk of birth defects, heart attack and colon cancer. The B vitamins support memory function which can reduce the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

A diet rich in whole grains, such as the grain processed from dried corn, (cornmeal for instance) is also generally known to contain phytonutrients that may help ward off disease to our organs and vital tissues. Research has also shown that eating fresh sweet corn can support the growth of friendly bacteria in the large intestine which can help lower the risk of colon cancer.  Eating corn has been long believed to add much needed fiber to our diet.  That fiber can come from eating sweet corn or cornmeal.

To increase the genetic diversity of U.S. corn...
Genetic diversity of corn. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fun Facts

You can get creative with corn.  Of course, dried cornstalks are often bundled and used to decorate homes and businesses during the fall.  Also, a corncob can be treated and hollowed out to make pipes for smoking.

Scientifically speaking, the name for corn is “zea mays” which leads us to the word “maize,” the traditional name by which the Native Americans called this crop.  However, many cultures throughout the world have cultivated corn and called it by a variation of the word.  The colors of corn may surprise you. We normally see sweet corn on the table in shades of yellow, but corn is grown in a variety of colors which include red, purple, blue, and even pink.  Some of this corn is strictly ornamental, but some is edible, too.

How to Eat

Choosing a fresh ear of corn means choosing ears that have green husks that are not dried out. You can check the freshness of individual kernels by pressing on them with a fingernail. The freshest corn will emit a milky, white fluid that indicates the corn is at its peak of sweetness and flavor. The husks protect the corn and keep it fresh, so they should only be removed when you're ready to eat the ears you've purchased.  I know many stores husk the corn, trim it, and wrap it in plastic. Try to avoid this unless it's your only option - instead look for corn that is still in the husk for optimum freshness and sweetness.

Sweet corn that has not been husked yet, heade...
Fresh sweet corn in husk. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The most common variety of corn is either yellow sweet corn or the white and yellow combination colored sweet corn.  But you may find a variety of colors in your region, including black, blue, and violet. These darker varieties generally contain more antioxidants and protein levels and less starch than lighter color specimens.  If you can't find fresh ears of dark colored corn, check out the blue corn chips which are common in many markets nowadays. These are increasingly popular and make a beautiful, and nutritious, snack.

Frozen whole kernel sweet corn is your next best choice after corn on the cob.  The corn is picked ripe, then quickly removed from the cob, blanched and flash frozen.  The quality may often surpass fresh corn toward the end of the season.  

There are a number of delicious cold salads you can make with corn. You'll also find corn adds a wonderful filling taste and texture to many soups, chili, and casseroles. And don't forget the corn products, like cornmeal, cornflour, and other dried corn ingredients we can cook with.

If you are a grilling fanatic, you'll surely want to add corn to your menu.  Just remove the silk, keep the husks wrapped tightly and soak in cold water.  Remove and place on low grill on indirect heat until you can smell the sweet corn aroma.  Remove and baste with seasoned butter for even more savory goodness.

Be sure to check back later this week for more tasty ideas for preparing fresh corn this summer!

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