Friday, December 16, 2011

Cooking With Honey - Holiday Recipes

If you want to try cooking with honey, here are some great recipes to try this holiday season. From chicken, to dressings, to dessert, healthy honey adds a unique flavor to all your from-scratch recipes. Honey is usually harvested in late summer A jar of honeyImage via Wikipediaand fall, so now is a great time to get good deals on fresh honey. You can even stock up - honey will keep well for a long time. It may crystallize when the weather gets colder - just heat gently in a pan of hot water, or place in a plastic bag on the dashboard of your car for a few hours to liquify, and you're good to go!

Cooking Tip of the Day: Recipe: Honey Dijon Mayo
This recipe for Honey Dijon Mayo is quick and easy…. it makes a great addition to sandwiches.. adds that little extra pizzazz especially to ham. I know you can purchase flavored mayos… but they're so easy to make and this way you make a ...
Publish Date: 06/04/2010 3:00

Sweet Honey Carrots Recipe
Sweet Honey Carrots Recipe. by Rene on December 8, 2011. I love sweet carrots! I discovered just how much I loved them when I had them at Kimono's. I came home and decided I needed to figure out to to make them like theirs. Mmmmm ...
Publish Date: 12/08/2011 13:00

this site is all about great HONEY CHICKEN RECIPE, a Chicken Recipes blog with numerous and nice recipes to try.
Publish Date: 12/09/2011 20:57

The Disney Diner: Honey Ham Glaze Recipe
I know this is another non-Disney recipe, but I made a honey ham for dinner tonight and it was so yummy I wanted to share the recipe with my readers (It tasted just like one of those expensive honey hams you can buy from a ...
Publish Date: 12/05/2011 20:34

Cranberry-Honey Spice Pinwheel Cookies | Healthy Recipes
These cookies boast a bright, zesty filling and spicy aroma. They make a large batch and are extremely convenient, since you can make the logs of cookie dough ahead.
Publish Date: 11/06/2006 3:00

The Pastry Affair - Home - Honey Cookies
This recipe has its own branch in my family tree. It has been passed down through four generations on my mother's side. These honey cookies have been shared between mother and daughter, grandmother through ...
Publish Date: 12/05/2011 22:14

Learn More About Cooking With Honey:

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1 comment:

  1. Dishes with honey become much healthier due to its preence. shame on me, but a few years ago I hated this natural product, until I read the following article:
    By the way, I followed you up with GFC, it'd be great if you follow me back.


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