Monday, November 14, 2011

Eating Healthy On the Go

People use many excuses to give reason to why they are not eating healthy foods. One of the most common of these excuses is that they have no time to worry about choosing the best foods and cooking them for themselves and their families. These people usually grab fast food or take-out instead of healthier foods, and these quick dinner fixes are full of bad fats and cholesterol, sugar, and empty calories. However, no matter how little time you have to spend in the kitchen and at the supermarket, there are ways in which you can eat in a healthy way without much time. Learning how to eat healthily even when you're super busy can make all the difference in perfecting your diet.

Lamb shish kebab, Pleasanton, California, 2008...Image via Wikipedia
Eating healthy foods begins with healthy ingredients, but if you are short on time, you may find that spending lots of time time in the grocery store does not fit into your schedule. To maximize your time, plan ahead for two weeks at a time. Instead of having to go to the store every time you need an ingredient, make a list and keep your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry stocked with good, healthy ingredients. You can make your shopping list during a meeting, while eating lunch, or while you are on the phone. A list will also help you cut back on impulse buying, which is when we purchase a lot of the foods that are bad for us.

Along with planning your shopping list, plan your meals as well. If you find little time to cook during the week, you can instead try making a few healthy meals in advance on the weekend and than putting them in your freezer. Before you go to work in the morning, simply stick the frozen dinner in the refrigerator to thaw and then pop into the oven to cook when you get home from work. This will help you avoid having to pick up fast food. Keep healthy drinks on hand at home as well instead of purchasing soda.

Healthy eating on the run isn't always easy. However, putting a tad bit more time into planning ahead and cooking your own meals from scratch is worth the extra effort, because you’ll be living a longer and healthier life in the end.
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