Monday, October 24, 2011

Collard Greens: The Quintessential Southern Green

This week we are focusing on another super delicious and nutritious fall green. Collards like cool weather, so they are growing great right now - you should be able to find them at just about any farmer's market, or even in many grocery stores.

Young collard plants growing in a containerImage via WikipediaWhen you think Southern cooking, you can't think too long before considering collard greens.  This staple of the Southern diet has a long history and many fans who have perfected cooking their “collards” for generations. Let's take a little closer look at what makes these leafy greens so special.

What are they?

Collards belong to the cabbage family of leafy vegetables which, depending on the climate, can be a perennial or biennial plant. The broad dark green edible leaves can have a slightly bitter taste if they get too mature, and are best when picked as soon as the leaf reaches full size. Also, the cooler the weather, the sweeter the greens.

Even though collard greens are available all year long, they are actually at their peak in the colder months. These greens have taken a strong hold on the Southern culture of the United States, and found their way into homes for generations, much like other greens such as mustard, chard, turnip, and kale. And, collards are actually found in many other regions around the world.

History of Collards

Ancient Romans and Greeks grew and ate collard greens as early as the 4th century B.C.  The American use of collards began when African slaves brought their knowledge of creating meals from the green tops of vegetables to the colonies.  Often forced to use whatever leftovers they could find after the meal was made for the “big house,” these slaves learned to boil up the tossed-aside green tops of the vegetables they prepared.  Slow cooking with a mixture of greens, pig's feet, or ham hocks yielded a much needed meal. The juice left from cooking greens, sometimes called pot likker, or pot liquor depending on your region, was also consumed.

As these recipes started to make their way out of the slave quarters and into the plantation kitchens, the recipes were expanded and shared in what now has become a solid Southern tradition of “soul food.”  But this leafy green is just as well known in Brazil, Portugal, and the Kashmir region and is so nourishing that it is considered a mainstay in these areas just as it is in America's South.

Health Benefits

Collards are known for having the best ability to bind bile acids in the digestive tract for easy consumption, thereby reducing cholesterol levels in the entire body. Cooking or steaming the greens is a much better way to produce this benefit than eating the raw greens. And the taste is also improved in the cooking by most people's standards.

Whenever we talk about collard greens, we have to mention the four compounds called glucosinolates.  These compounds offer protection against cancer by helping detoxify and reduce inflammation in the body.  Like other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and bok choy, these benefits make collards a highly-recommended part of healthy diets.

Cornbread, collard greens, macaroni and cheese...Image via WikipediaFun Facts

The state of South Carolina, the second largest producer of collards, attempted to pass a bill to make collards the official Leafy Green of the state. Many people who enjoy “soul food” along with the heritage that comes along with this African-American tradition, appreciate the idea of levitating this common green to higher status.  The word “collards” is derived from the word “colewort” or “cabbage plant.”

In the Southern states, when a family cooks up a big pot of greens of any variety, it is lovingly referred to as a “mess of greens.” The actual distinction between a pot of greens and a mess of greens all depends on the size and tradition of the family.  A New Year's tradition calls for the consumption of collards and black-eyed peas to bring good luck and a prosperous year. You might also use collard greens to do everything from curing headaches to warding off evil spirits.

How to Eat

Traditionally, collards are boiled or simmered with ham, pork, or bacon, or any salty or cured meat, and often served with cornbread to complete a true Southern-style dish. Often you'll find a jar of hot sauce or pepper sauce alongside for those who feel adventurous.

The greens make a great addition to brown rice, white rice, potatoes, pasta and quinoa. Using a flavored stock with these combinations will add a richness to the dish. Collards can also be sautéed with onions and oil or bacon grease. You may like to add a bit of brown sugar or even apple cider vinegar to kick up the flavor.

Caldo verde, a typic soup of Portugal.Image via WikipediaIn Portugal, a popular soup called Caldo Verde (green broth) is served made with collards or kale along with potatoes and onions. This soup is often served during weddings and other celebrations.

Collards are an important part of American heritage, but also around the world, and the ancient civilizations that enjoyed them are a testament to their longevity in our culinary history. These simple greens have dressed-up tables and warmed-up bellies for generations of families who learned that cooking sometimes meant inventing delicious filling dishes from what we gathered, foraged, and cultivated.

For some tasty collard recipes, be sure to check back later this week!

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