Monday, December 16, 2013

Easy Christmas Cooking Through Planning Ahead

Christmas is a hectic time of year. Many families find that they barely have time to breathe much less cook dishes to bring for this or that function. For this reason there are a number of tasty "cheat" dishes that can be  prepared for these occasions and very few people will be the wiser. Though Christmas may be about being with friends and family, it is not about broadcasting a possible lack of talent in the kitchen, time on hand, or a shortage of attention span that is required in order to prepare a stellar dish for your Christmas needs.

English: Finnish macaroni casserole
Macaroni casserole (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Of course, you could begin preparing and freezing large casserole favorites as early as August for the Christmas season. In this instance you could freeze all your family favorites and have great dishes not only for family functions that require a pitch-in dish, but also for those nights when you are far too busy to be bothered with something as demanding on your limited attention span as actually preparing a home cooked meal. If you prepare casseroles and similar dishes that work well with a holiday theme throughout the year be sure to double your efforts next time and freeze half for busier months such as November and December.

But if you didn't think to do that this year, not to worry! Foods that you cook this week and freeze for next week will be fresh and ready to pop in the oven come Christmas day. Pies and casserole-type dishes work best for this, but even some soups and appetizers can be made ahead and frozen. If you're making a Christmas ham, these are usually pre-cooked, so you just need to heat them in the oven for a bit, and then you're ready to eat. If you do this right, when you get to the big day, you may only need to make the salad and mashed potatoes!

A Danish version of the Christmas dinner.
Christmas dinner. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Besides cooking some items ahead, you can also help prepare for your Christmas meal by making a list and shopping early. Not only will you avoid the crowd of last-minute shoppers, but with a list of everything you need, you can keep from making those impulse purchases that sometimes happen if you make multiple shopping trips or are just shopping willy-nilly. Sit down ahead of time and plan out your menu, gather the recipes you plan to use. This will make it easy to assess what you already have on hand, and then make a list of everything else you will need to purchase for the meal. Make this a day or two ahead of your shopping trip, so you can add on any items that pop into your head that you may have forgotten on the first pass. Then go buy everything in advance and start your preparations. That way when the guests start to arrive, you can enjoy their company rather than having to make a last-minute trip to the store for something you forgot!

You do not have to have super powers or even a great deal of cooking talent in order to make a Christmas dinner that is delicious and easy to make when time is short. Careful planning well ahead of time is often the key to a successful Christmas season. Most of us begin our shopping early, and there is no harm in also beginning our cooking and meal planning a little early too.
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