Monday, December 30, 2013

Easy & Delicious Midnight Snack Ideas for New Year's Eve

Whether you are relaxing at home tomorrow evening waiting for the ball to drop, or entertaining friends to bring in the New Year, you'll probably want something to munch on, and I’m sure something easy and quick is the first thing on your mind.  You don’t want to be standing over the stove cooking something, nor do you want to polish off a bag of chips and cookies or a full meal and go to bed stuffed at 1:00am.  You want to have a few tasty snacks on hand, and get  to bed after the festivities with a satisfied, happy tummy, but without the guilt of  eating tons of unhealthy food.  Let's take a look at a few quick snacks that are delicious and not too heavy or filling.

Cheese and Crackers

Cheddar cheese from Bravo Farms, Traver, Calif...
Cheddar cheese from Bravo Farms, Traver, California (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is actually a favorite at any time of day, but because of the ease of putting this snack together, we can put it in the favorite 'late night' category - perfect for New Year's Eve snacking.  Read the labels when you buy to find cheeses that are healthier, but still delicious.  Cream cheese, string cheese, and specialty cheeses like goat cheese can satisfy your snacking needs easily and provide a quick way to serve up a special New Year's Eve snack.  Also stock up on good, multi-grain and whole wheat crackers, and maybe some olives.  A refrigerator full of a variety of cheeses and a cupboard full of boxes of good crackers plus a small plate of olives may be all you need for your late-night snacking this holiday.

Dressed Apple Slices

You can keep apples handy at all times and just bite into them for a healthy, super-quick snack.  Or, you can perk up this humble treat to satisfy your cravings even better.  Enjoy this snack in a variety of ways, including spreading peanut butter on each slice, adding a dash of cinnamon to add a new level of flavor, or eat with yogurt or caramel dip.  A surprisingly delicious and healthy snack that you might not think about right away is apples with cheese.  A slice of apple topped with a sliver of good Cheddar cheese is a delight that will satisfy your cravings on several levels.  The crunchy sweetness of the apple pairs with the satisfying fat and saltiness of the cheese to make this a healthier, filling midnight snack - and your guests will enjoy the change of pace.

Popcorn Perfection

A bowl of popcorn will always satisfy the biggest cravings, and it's a perfect snack while watching New Year's Eve festivities on TV.  It only takes a few minutes in the microwave to produce a perfect bowl of popcorn.  But, be sure to watch out for very sugary or salty popcorn products.  Choose the simplest popcorn you can find (plain is best), then add the ingredients you can grab quickly that are still the healthiest.  A sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese, Cajun seasoning, pumpkin pie spices, cinnamon, or even a touch of brown sugar will result in a healthier version than the pre-flavored variety.  It's quick, easy, and still on the healthier side.

Room for Jell-O

If you prefer sugary treats, midnight snacking can be especially difficult.  There aren't too many things that satisfy a sweet tooth without being a bad choice for a diet.  Instead of digging into that bag of cookies or leftover Halloween candy, try a sweet treat that is not loaded with calories and fat.  A gelatin treat satisfies a sweet tooth without guilt.  Keep a big bowl of Jell-O or Jiggler snacks in the refrigerator and enjoy.  Look for a variety of flavors and recipes to create new gelatin treats, and make them in small cup sizes to share with the guests - especially if there are kids in the mix.

English: Selection of sweet and hearty pretzel...
Selection of sweet and hearty pretzels. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Pub Pretzels

If you enjoy pretzels and dip at your favorite eatery, it only makes sense to find a way to bring them home for your midnight snack attack. (Get a few different shapes to mix things up a  bit if entertaining.) Surprisingly, pretzels are a low fat snack.  Compare the label on most pretzels with regular potato chips and you'll be amazed how much healthier they are.  But, you want the whole snacking experience to be enjoyable, right down to the dip.  Stay away from the pre-packaged cheese and bean dips which are loaded with sugar.  Instead, create a quick blend of mustard and yogurt for a healthier dipping choice.  Reduced-fat cream cheese with added seasonings is another option to create a pretzel and dip snack experience comparable to any pub, and provide variety for your New Year's Eve festivities.

Delightful Dipped Veggies

Eating a handful of celery sticks is not exactly what we crave for a snack, but again, it's about taking a quick snack and making it delicious without destroying your diet in the process.  Keep a bag of fresh, ready-to-eat vegetables in your refrigerator.  The fun part comes with creating and pairing some exciting, but still healthier, dips.  For some unusual choices, try smashing capers into cream cheese and filling celery sticks, or mix coarse ground mustard into Greek yogurt for a spicy dip for carrots or broccoli.  Put a variety of herbs into a food processor along with Parmesan cheese, yogurt, or cream cheese.  Black beans and salsa blended together makes an incredibly flavorful dip for a variety of veggies.  I like sour cream mixed with yogurt and Cajun seasoning, with a dash of garlic powder or cayenne pepper - it makes a great, simple veggie dip. Experiment until you create a nice selection of dips to keep your New Year's munchies both interesting, and healthy.

Whether you have a sweet tooth or crave salty snacks for your midnight snacking this New Year's Eve, you can be sure to find lots of ways to satisfy your cravings quickly, deliciously, and on the healthier side.  Don't fall into the trap of just setting out pre-made bags of fatty junk foods, saturated in sugar or sodium, when you can create snacks that are so much better for you... and tastier, too!

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