Monday, October 1, 2012

The Incredible Edible Egg - A Health Food?

We have all heard a lot of talk, mostly negative, about eggs over the years. It drives me crazy that so many people still buy into the "eggs are bad" myth! In truth, eggs are actually full of nutritional value. Many recent studies have shown that eggs aren't the evil cholesterol bombs we once thought they were - and they have many benefits for your health!

Although science has actually proven this many years ago, many people are still under the mistaken belief that eggs are bad for you. In fact, maybe you try to only eat eggs once or twice a year like Easter or Mother’s Day - it's almost like a guilty pleasure - but it doesn't have to be. Keep reading to find out what is really inside an egg: the yolk and the white.

Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

English: Three yolks from two chicken eggs; on...
Fresh eggs! Note the bright orange of the yolks, indicating the hen ate green stuff, and probably lived outside, providing optimal nutrients in her eggs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
NOTE: Don’t throw away the yolk! It has benefits too - in fact, most of the nutrition of the egg is contained in the yolk.

* Improve Cholesterol – Once eggs were thought to increase bad cholesterol but in reality, the cholesterol they contain can positively impact your cholesterol levels. Eating two eggs a day won’t hurt your numbers at all, and may even raise your good cholesterol levels - especially if you're eating fresh eggs from pasture-raised poultry.

* Quality Protein – Eggs contain high-quality protein, made up of amino acids. These are the building blocks of good muscle tissue. If you are looking for a better and leaner source of protein, the egg is it. (Many people think the white is all they need in terms of protein, but eating the yolk WITH the white actually helps your body make better use of the protein - it's not a complete protein without it!)

* Choline – This is a nutrient that is needed for cardiovascular function, brain function and nervous system. Egg yolks contain a lot of it.

* Eye Health – Eating eggs can improve your eye health. The high levels of carotenoids in egg yolks can help prevent macular degeneration, a condition that leads to blindness. Also, you can reduce your risk of cataracts as you age. Eye diseases have skyrocketed over the past decade or so, and eating eggs can help combat this.

* Good Fats – We are always on the lookout for good fats. We eat enough (for most people, too much) of the bad ones in processed foods. Eggs have fat but it is good fat that will enhance your nutritional profile. One egg has five grams of fat. When eating eggs for health, substitute them for unhealthy fats in your diet - eat an egg or two instead of margarine or unhealthy vegetable oils, and avoid processed foods or anything containing hydrogenated oil.

* Vitamin D – Eggs contain vitamin D, and along with sunlight they are a good, natural source of this vitamin. Other foods like milk are fortified with it, but eggs contain it already. Eating eggs along with spending fifteen minutes a day in the sun increases your daily vitamin D intake in a healthy and natural way.

* Sulfur – Have you noticed how even good eggs can sometimes smell when you peel a boiled egg? It’s the sulfur. In the body, sulfur helps you to grow healthy hair and nails, and is also good for your eyes and skin.

A dozen boiled eggs with lion marks visible in...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
* Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Eggs contain these important fatty acids that promote a healthy heart, brain and immune system. If you don’t like fish you can stock up on eggs to get these helpful fats. (Eggs from chickens raised on pasture have a much greater content of this important nutrient.)

* Other Vitamins – Besides vitamin D, eggs also contain B vitamins and vitamins A, C, and E. All are needed by the body for healthy skin, a strong immune system and to increase your antioxidant intake.

Do keep in mind that the health benefits you get from eating eggs will depend to a large degree on the source of the egg - you will want to seek out eggs from hens fed on their natural diet - bugs, grass, plants, and worms - which they will only get if raised in the outdoors or at least with free access to pasture. Check your local farmer's market, look for a CSA in your area, or a local food co-op. If you can't find any of these, organic eggs are your second-best choice, as they are at least fed a natural grain diet free of chemicals and hormones.

No matter what you have heard before about eggs, they are actually good for you - especially when from a quality source. The nutritional breakdown includes vitamins, minerals, protein, cholesterol and limited fat content. Eat an egg or two each day for your health - and stop feeling bad about it!

For More News Debunking the Myth That "Eggs Are Bad" See:

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