Monday, May 23, 2011

Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

For any cook, grocery shopping is something we all have to do, and sometimes choosing the right foods can be very hard indeed.  There are some tips to assist you with your healthy grocery shopping:

Example of an American grocery store aisle.Image via Wikipedia1.  Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Anyone who has done this will attest that you will end up buying way more than you intended, and often things that you normally wouldn't even think of eating! (Once, in a fit of hunger-induced delirium while shopping, I actually picked up a package of Twinkies! Thankfully, one bite of the greasy, sticky, sugar-sponge was enough to spoil my appetite....)

2.  Select canned fruits and tuna that are packed in water, not oil or syrup.

3.  Look at the labels for the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated".  The earlier you see them appear on the list, the higher the amount of unhealthy trans fatty acids the food will contain.

4.  If you absolutely must buy frozen dinners (which we don't recommend - they are full of preservatives, highly processed, and often don't even taste that good; instead, when you cook, make extras and freeze the leftovers in small portion-sized containers), select those that are not only low in fat, but low in sodium
and sugar as well.

5.  If you aren't consuming enough dairy products, try calcium-fortified orange juice, or take a supplement containing a citrate form of calcium, as well as magnesium and vitamin D, as these help your body absorb calcium.

6.  Opt for whole grain breads, cereals, and rolls. If you can find them, sprouted grain breads are even more nutritious and much easier on your body to digest and use (plus they are delicious!).

7.  Shop around the outside edges of the store. This is where the fresh foods are offered, such as vegetables, meat, and fresh baked goods. By staying out of the center aisles, you will avoid the more heavily processed and unhealthy foods, as well as avoiding temptation!

8.  Don't be tricked into buying "yogurt"-covered nuts or raisins thinking they are healthy, as the coating is normally made of sugar and partially hydrogenated oils.

The City of Rockville Maryland farmers MarketImage via Wikipedia9.  Try some natural treats, such as dried fruit, or a frozen fruit bar containing several actual fruits (avoid artificial ingredients, and try to go for a lower-sugar brand.

10. Skip the grocery store altogether, and join a CSA or make it a habit to shop at your local farmer's market! Not only will you be buying MUCH fresher and healthier foods, you will also be supporting your local community and economy, and avoiding all the junky temptations on the grocery store shelves. You will probably even save money by avoiding all those impulse buys!

By following the above tips when grocery shopping, you'll avoid the bad foods and get those that you need.  There are many different healthy foods out there, all it takes is the will power to go past the bad foods and on to the good ones.
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