Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall Recipe: Orchard Apple Martini

While fall is a great time for cooking, don't forget about the beverages! This adult beverage mixes the flavors of fall for a simple, delicious cocktail perfect for an evening by the fire. For a virgin version, leave out the vodka and schnapps, and add a splash of sparkling water or sparkling apple juice for a pretty and special-occasion drink the kids can enjoy!

I have a new juicer that I absolutely love, and have been making apple juice with it regularly - it's the best apple juice I've ever tasted!  You just can't beat fresh - so use fresh apple juice if you can.

Orchard Apple Martini
(Serves 1.)


2 oz. apple vodka
2 oz. apple juice
1/2 oz. apple schnapps
1/2 oz. pomegranate juice

  • Fill a shaker with ice, add ingredients, shake vigorously, pour into a chilled martini glass.
  • Garnish with a crescent cut out of a red apple or with a curl of apple peel.
  • Enjoy responsibly!

This makes amazing juice!

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